New Zealand Fringe Festival

The New Zealand Fringe Festival is coming at you with their 25th year of exciting, frightening, amazing, and puzzling works. As well as local artists there are 39 out-of-town acts bringing their stuff to Wellington. Prices are mostly under the $25 mark but the smart choice is to buy an Addict card. It’s only $15 […]

Walking in Light

We’ve already previewed the LUX festival, but now we’re a bit over halfway through and the weather’s looking kind, it’s worth reminding you to See. It. Now. You have until Sunday. We had a wander around last night, and the atmosphere was (appropriately) electric. Quite apart from the installations themselves, the experience of being around so […]

Do I look like a burger yet?

So a further update on the WOAP menus and burgers (some just because they’re within easy striking distance of one’s corporate workplace)… Pan de Muerto’s Mollete (pictured minus its lid for photographic purposes) was pretty good but could have done with more pork in proportion to the nasty beans. Charlie Bill’s Miss Piggy is Hot to […]

Let It Rain Beer

Last night I sat down and drank a glass of my very own home-brewed IPA (India Pale Ale). It wasn’t my finest work (I’d rate it alongside/just under Tui in palatability) but it was mine, I made it and I enjoyed making it. I’ve made better beer. In fact I’ve even made one that I thought […]

A stomach explosion…

And not as a result of the Cooking with Ice: Liquid Nitrogen demo. Yes this middle of the night post is a direct result of WOAP weekend eyes-bigger-than-stomach issues.  I somehow managed to have three events this first weekend, and to squeeze in a burger as well (plus observe others squeezing in more). So to the burgers […]

Let There Be Light

lux — n , pl lux the derived SI unit of illumination equal to a luminous flux of 1 lumen per square metre. 1 lux is equivalent to 0.0929 foot-candle. I don’t know about you, but to me a luminous flux sounds like it should be a lot of fun. It sounds like a light […]

New Zealand International Film Festival 2014

It’s less than 2 weeks till The Wellington round of the New Zealand International Film Festival Typical Wellington behaviour at this time often includes – Courtenay Place place being full during daylight hours – people taking no lunch breaks to allow for an extra long lunch break to catch a film – taking a day off work […]

Can it really be the end?

Well the Castle that Cares is on its last week and boy is there a line-up celebrating the highlights and the high-nights of the good ship Mighty Mighty. We’ve Wellingtonisata Awarded prizes there, we’re broken up, pashed up, made up, spewed up, chatted up, felt up and partied hard with the best of them. And […]

Is Utopia within arms reach?!

According to the International Comedy Festival 2014 Utopia can be found at Kitty O’Shea’s, on Courtenay Place, from 8:30pm for the next two nights. According to Adam Wright, the comedian putting on the show, Utopia can be found by following his 10 simple answers to the world’s biggest problems. In a show that covers everything […]

Power Plant percussion…

Interesting that my reflective sense of the music looking back is percussion, but there are quite a lot of little things banging or rubbing on other things to create unusual and interesting sounds. Power Plant is a night-time walk through the Botanic Gardens on a one-way circuit starting and finishing at the lookout beside the […]