Voting is now open in fifth annual Wellingtonista Awards

We’re exhausted from a mammoth day of posting all the nominations (bloody good work, team!) so we just wanted to let you know that voting is now open. Go read our sticky post for links to all our nominations, and make sure you check them out before you cast your votes. Then we’ll see you […]

TAWA5 Best Thing in Wellington

This category is a bit of a mixed bag. It’s where we put things that we want to celebrate that didn’t seem to fit anywhere else, but that doesn’t mean these nominations are second thoughts. Indeed, they’re actually the some of the first things we think of when we try to define what makes Wellington […]


BYO restaurants to us are places where you can hold a large gathering, you can eat some tasty food, and if you don’t count the cost of your bottle, you can get totally stuffed for around $25. There are a million and one place with BYO licenses in Wellington, but these are the ones that […]

TAWA5 Best Drink in Town

Wellington is full of bars, and those bars are full of drinks (and drunks). But if you only want the very best in your mouth, this is what you’ll be ordering.

TAWA5 Best Suburban Destination

The suburbs. Love them or loathe them, they surround every city. And loathing the suburbs out of some sort of twisted inner-city-centric impulse is pretty short-sighted – especially when you could be enjoying the following:

TAWA5 Best Contribution to the Internet from Wellington

Given that Wellington is the web capital of New Zealand, it makes sense that it’s full of people doing awesome things with and for the web.

TAWA5 Best Event

There’s always something to do in this town we love, but these are the pick of the crop, and are circled in red on our calendars. We’re counting the sleeps until next year’s events!

TAWA5 Best Late Night Experience

Things get a little different in town once the sun goes down. For many, including us, this is the best time of day. What do we do in the darkness? Well that would be telling, but these are the places you’ll find us.

TAWA5 Best Shopping Experience

Stuff, glorious stuff,  oh how we love to take you home with us.  These are the places we go to window lick, tire kick and buy, buy, buy.  Love your work, people.

TAWA5 Most Missed

We loved you… and then you were gone. When will we see you again? When will we share those precious moments? (etc etc.) Here are some great Wellington things we miss: