Preview: Some shows and a party

Wow this week is FULL of shows and there’s a party at the end of it. Let’s go! Hudson & Halls is still going strong at the Hannah Playhouse. I loved it, Mr Goulter loved it, the Wellington Theatre Awards judges loved it. Don’t miss it. Across the road at BATS Theatre Musique Romantique, Stand […]

Review: Hudson and Halls Live

Hudson & Halls Live!‘s Wellington season at the Hannah Playhouse began with an usher  welcoming crowds to the performance, assuring them the theatre had been certified quake-safe, and explaining that some years after the time in which the play was set, one of the protagonists would die of cancer and the other would take his own life.   […]

After the quake

These are trying and chaotic times, but I hope everyone’s hanging in there. Social media means that there’s more information available than ever before, but also that there’s a lot of misinformation and confusion, so we thought we’d put up a quick post to help you find the most official sources. Civil Defence’s WREMO page and their […]

Preview: Hudson and Halls

Silo Theatre is bringing last year’s Auckland festive hit “Hudson and Halls” to the Hannah Playhouse. I’ve heard positive reviews from my Auckland friends and I’m so looking forward to seeing it when it’s down here. Peter Hudson and David Halls were on New Zealand television from 1976-1986 with a cooking show that included camp […]

Winning corner

The New Zealand Architecture Awards were announced today, and while there are few Wellington projects on the list, one prominent development stands out. Zavos Corner by Parsonson Architects Ltd, a low-rise apartment complex on the corner of Pirie and Brougham streets in Mt Victoria, won the Sir Ian Athfield Award for Housing. The judges praised it […]

LitCrawl 2016

This Saturday literature lovers will be running from venue to venue hoping to catch their favourite writers at LitCrawl 2016. Based on the concept of a pub crawl but with more words (and (maybe?) fewer drunken stumbles) the event is in its third year. There are 18 venues for the crawl this year plus the After Party at […]

Preview: The Rime of the Modern Mariner

BATS Theatre celebrates 21 years of STAB annual commissions with a production of The Rime of the Modern Mariner by The PlayGround Collective. In this adaptation “the Mariner sets out to sea to catch the ultimate prize, but when he carelessly fells an albatross a curse befalls his ship. Stranded in the north Pacific Gyre […]

Reviews: The Biggest, and Central

Two shows featuring asshole* men. What are the odds? The odds are good and pretty entertaining. The Biggest by Jamie McCaskill Stu has had a terrible accident, writing off the car and the boat. His mates – Walter, Pat, and Mick – decide to enter a fishing competition to win him a new boat. Local […]

Reviews of two shows now on – Lungs and Fred is Cold

Two plays on now in Wellington – one a story pre-conception, the other a story post-death. Both are very good. Review: Lungs A couple are thinking about having a child. They’re pretty sure they’re good people but a whole new person is a pretty big responsibility. What about climate change? What about their carbon footprint? […]

Floating Above Cuba Street

James Smith Market’s Float Well offers submersion into a space that’s been a site for relaxation, meditation, and consciousness-experimentation throughout the 20th Century. The Wellingtonista takes a dip. In Ken Russell’s barmy 1980 sci-fi thriller Altered States, William Hurt plays a psychologist whose hunger for third-eye-candy takes him on drug trips, indigenous vision-quests, and ultimately into the […]