Eat. Drink. Power. People. Pods

Our Kris has been doing an AMAZING job with all her theatre reviews, while the rest of us slack off, so let me attempt to put that slightly more in balance with one post about all the things I’ve been meaning to write about forever. Eat / Drink / Power / People / Pods Jano. Go […]

Webstock 2016: Wednesday Warmup with the Wellingtonista

It’s that special time again! For the sixth year not quite in a row, we’d like to invite you to come and have a drink with us before the Webstock conference. You know the deal with this by now – it’s not an official Webstock event but they like us, and it IS an official […]

You’re Go(at)ing Straight To HELL

Goat isn’t a common menu option here in New Zealand, perhaps sometimes in curry and almost certainly never before seen atop bread surrounded by crumbled tortillas and lime wedges. But that is now what you can find at HELL Pizza. The good people at La Boca Loca, the ones that are a Conscious Consumers Business […]

Their wings have not been clipped…

Last week I encouraged Wellingtonians to get out and support the Phoenix as we attempt to #SaveTheNix Plenty of people turned up to the stadium to support the team, 13,654 in fact! That’s over double what the Phoenix have had at their last few home games! So: THANK YOU! It was a fantastic evening of football […]

The Wellington Phoenix are trying to avoid bursting into flames.

In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn, by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. In Wellington the Phoenix are the football team that are currently in a bit of potential trouble. According to some sources, a phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion… one […]


Anyone who refers to burgers as “dude food” clearly has never had their uterus screaming at them for meat before. Accordingly, I was bloody happy to be invited along to the launch of the Karmageddon burger – Karma Cola’s collaboration with Grill Meets Beer. The Karmageddon burger is made with Karma Cola braised pulled pork, […]

Music to brew your beer to

Wellington on a Plate is well known for its exquisite dining, incredible burgers and interesting events and this year San Fran are putting on a fantastic series. Music2Brew2 brings together three Wellington breweries who have been brewing under the influence. Inspired by three Wellington bands Panhead, Garage Project and Tuatara have all brewed a beer that […]

WOAP: those doughnuts

The doughnut popup web page said Wednesday! Leeds Street Bakery! Rhubarb and cream! Salted caramel and bacon! Chocolate and hazelnut! This all sounded pretty promising. So I circled the day on the calendar and wondered. Would the doughnuts be ironically Simpsonesque, or would they be inspired by Portland’s finest? This morning, having heard the popup […]

WOAP: Dining through the Decades

This is going to sound a bit silly, but I choose my Wellington on a Plate events looking for value for money.  The silly part, obviously, is that no one needs to drop over a hundred dollars a head on dinner, but if you’re looking to have a degustation and matched wines, you’re going to spend […]

Our advice for Wellington on a Plate 2015

Tomorrow begins that most magical time of the year. The stupid film festival has released my friends from its evil clutches and it’s time to eat, eat, eat. We’ve been covering Wellington on a Plate for a  long time now and I think we’re getting pretty good at knowing what’s what. So here’s our thoughts. […]